
Yours truly

Name: Traven

Gender: Doesn’t exist, any pronouns welcome

  • Translates BL Chinese novels
  • Writes BL novels
  • Uses pinyin selectively
  • Will make mistakes

Support me on ko-fi for additional bonus chapters. No one is obligated to donate. Donations simply encourage me to translate more.

I am not a native speaker and will make mistakes, but I am slowly learning. I try and improve my understanding of the language every day rather than just editing MTL to be more coherent without understanding at all. My translation includes a basic understanding of grammar and a lot of looking through the dictionary, however, I do use various different MTL for a rough ‘basis’ before piecing together sentences one by one. Even so, there is still the possibility of me getting something wrong, missing something, or even making typos, as humans are prone to do, so if these mishaps are spotted, I would appreciate being informed asap so I can make corrections. My translations also may include the addition or retraction of words from the original text to make things more coherent and for sentences to flow better for English readers, but these little changes will only include a word or two that doesn’t change the meaning of the original sentence whatsoever. Thank you for understanding!

I am also a working adult, so if I do not update chapters on time please do not hold it against me. Being an adult is very tiring, and some days I prefer to go straight to laying in bed like a person on their last breath up until I need to go to sleep to wake up at 4/5 AM for yet another work day. Regardless, if a novel has a schedule, I will try my best to make sure chapters are posted on time.

All translations are done for fun and unofficially. If mistakes are noticed, please inform me. If these translations are asked to be removed by the author, they will be removed asap. On that note, please consider supporting the authors by buying the novel from the original source, even if you cannot read it in the original language! Links to these original sources can be found in the main ToC pages of each novel.